Advisory Council
The Strategic PM Advisory Council
We don’t want to offer generic content that could be found anywhere on the internet.
Our goal is to provide our users with specific information that you can apply within the property management industry. That’s why we’re building an advisory council to ensure that our content is relevant, compliant, and useful.
Since our goal is to be cutting edge and ahead of the curve, inevitably there will be disagreement about certain ideas we cover in this publication. When there are opposing opinions or viewpoints about a new tool, concept or idea that we’re presenting, we turn to our advisory council to ensure that we’re viewing those ideas through the most complete lens and a 360 degree mindset.
We’re currently assembling our advisory council from the thought leaders we know within the industry. Council positions will last one year, and can be renewed each year as long as the council member is still active within the industry and available to continue.
If you’re interested in joining our advisory council, please complete the form below.
Strategic PM Advisory Council

Jeremy Pound
Publisher, Strategic PM
Strategic PM

Jeremy Pound
Publisher, Strategic PM
Strategic PM

Jeremy Pound
Publisher, Strategic PM
Strategic PM

Jeremy Pound
Publisher, Strategic PM
Strategic PM