Find out what BiggerPockets’ new “Find a Property Manager” tool can mean for your business and the PM industry at large.
If you’re even somewhat active in the real estate investment community, it’s hard to miss BiggerPockets. The brand has established a community of millions of members looking to build wealth through real estate, a community founded on a massive, resource-hungry audience of investors and business owners. Oh, and their Real Estate Podcast is one of the industry’s most popular.
If that’s not enough to pique your interest, BiggerPockets recently created a tool that links business owners with property managers in their area. This new “finder” tool—similar to their existing agent-finder tool—could transform lead generation for property management companies, making it easier to connect PMs with more qualified prospects.
Strategic PM sat down with Max Inouye from BiggerPockets to discuss the game-changing nature of their site’s new property management match-making feature.
The Allure of BiggerPockets
BiggerPockets is an online community that, at its core, serves the personal finance and real estate investing needs of its members, of which the site now has over 2 million. Members of the BiggerPockets community enjoy access to a wide range of content and tools that help them make smarter wealth-building decisions.
Needless to say, BiggerPockets generates a lot of buzz, and it’s that buzz that led the organization to their next big opportunity in the property management game. For context, they already have a dedicated and successful lead-generation tool for agents that connects them with buyers and investors. Now, they’re doing the same for PM companies.
And it makes sense: PM clients basically live on BiggerPockets these days. So, increasing visibility with this new feature will be industry-changing.