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TWIPM: Your Sneak Peek of MX Summit 2024

Strategic PM Staff
Strategic PM Staff

Madison Zimmerman from Property Meld gives us a sneak peek of what to expect at this year’s MX Summit in September.

“Maintenance” doesn’t sound sexy. But Property Meld, the property maintenance software, wants to change that.

This year, Property Meld is holding its fourth annual MX Summit in Rapid City, South Dakota, from September 18 to 20, 2024.

This conference focuses on maintenance and how those in the property management game can use it to improve efficiencies, transform businesses, and continue to grow.

Strategic PM had the privilege of sitting down with Property Meld’s Director of Marketing, Madison Zimmerman, to find out what attendees can expect at this year’s summit.

The main takeaway: the summit will change how companies operate.

Why Maintenance Deserves Attention

According to Bloomberg’s recent analysis, the housing market is facing a $1 trillion time bomb thanks to underinsured homes.

The cause is threefold: the increasing costs of repairs, the escalating climate crisis that’s driving up maintenance requirements, and rising insurance costs due to more frequent natural disasters.

According to the recent ResiClub SFR Investor Survey, 50% of investors report that insurance premiums increased the most over the last 12 months. Insurance was far ahead of any other expense in the survey, a sober reminder that maintenance—and preventative maintenance—matters for today’s owners and investors.

No matter how much the word “maintenance” makes you cringe, it touches every aspect of property management and presents just as many profitable opportunities as leasing does.

Ultimately, property management is really property maintenance. The day-to-day tasks PMs have to worry about are usually related to  maintenance in one way or another.

Strategic PM Staff

Strategic PM Staff